When a the­olo­gian and a geneti­cist meet, our society’s fun­da­men­tals are under dis­cus­sion. That is what hap­pened at the tenth ACADEMIA SUPERIOR DIALOGUE, when Paul M. Zulehn­er – a Europe-wide renown the­olo­gian and social sci­en­tist – and Markus Hengstschläger set out to talk about „Any­thing, every­thing and God”.
They dis­cussed all the main mat­ters cur­rent­ly stir­ring up (not only) the Catholic Church:

  • Celiba­cy (the end of which could be near)
  • Euthana­sia (free­dom of deci­sion: yes, but it’s not that easy)
  • Women priests (it’s not yet time, but a mat­ter of time)
  • Mar­riage, divorce and gay mar­riage (Love comes in all shapes and sizes.)
  • Bioethics (Gene ther­a­py to elim­i­nate harm­ful genet­ic muta­tions and dis­eases is a sen­si­tive top­ic, but it is a good thing if it is able to spare peo­ple pain.)
  • Fun­da­men­tal­ism in Islam (Noth­ing harms reli­gion more than its unholy alliance with vio­lence. We must not pre­tend that Catholi­cism nev­er had any­thing sim­i­lar to what hap­pens now in Islam in its past.)