What will class­rooms look like in ten years? Why do teach­ers still need it if there is arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence? What will chil­dren learn in the future and what can a just edu­ca­tion sys­tem look like? Answers to these and oth­er ques­tions were sought by stu­dents of the 6N1 Gym­na­si­um Dachs­berg. Prof. Mag. Nina Gader­er, Prof. Mag. Manuel Graf and the team of ACADEMIA SUPERIOR have been sup­port­ing them for sev­er­al months, orga­niz­ing work­shops with edu­ca­tion­al experts and help­ing with the research.

Final­ly, the stu­dents pre­sent­ed the answers to their ques­tions at the Dachs­berg­er Zeit­ge­sprächen 2018 in five short videos and dis­cussed the chal­lenges fac­ing the school sys­tem with experts. After the event, the audi­ence was able to con­tin­ue the dis­cus­sion on a „mar­ket­place of edu­ca­tion” with the stu­dents and edu­ca­tion experts present.