
Michelle Lipkin

Media Literacy for stronger Democracies

with Michelle Lipkin

Datum Ort
14.05.2024 von 15:30 bis 17:00 Uhr Bildungshaus Sankt Magdalena, Schatzweg 177, 4040 Linz

In a future in which artificially generated videos, images and language are becoming increasingly realistic, the competent use of media - and especially digital media - will become increasingly important to find your way through a flood of news.

Michelle Lipkin is Executive Director of the U.S. National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and will talk with us about that issue.

She has helped NAMLE grow to be the outstanding media literacy education association in the U.S. She launched Media Literacy Weeks in the U.S. now in its 10th year, developed strategic partnerships with companies such as Thomson Reuters, Meta, YouTube and Nickelodeon and created the National Media Literacy Alliance for teacher membership organizations. She was the recipient of the 2020 Global Media and Information Literacy Award given by UNESCO.


Beginning 3.30 p.m.

  • Introduction and welcome by Mag. Christine Haberlander, Deputy Governor of Upper Austria, President of Academia Superior
  • Keynote by Michelle Lipkin
  • Questions & Answers

Ending 5 p.m.

The event takes place as a cooperation of Academia Superior, U.S. Embassy in Vienna, OÖ. Presseclub and Bildungshaus St. Magdalena.

The discussion will be in English.


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